The Basic Education Department of Uttar Pradesh has recently published the registration link for online teacher transfers. Head teachers and assistant teachers who are interested in transferring to another district can now conveniently apply online from 09 to 14 June 2023. Once registered, teachers will need to undergo the verification process. Subsequently, they can check the released list to determine the status of their transfer. For further information and additional details, please refer to the official notification.
Key Dates:
Application Start Date: 09/06/2023
Last Date to Apply Online: 14/06/2023
Application Fee:
General / OBC / EWS: Rs. 0/-
SC / ST / PH / Girls: Rs. 0/- Please note that only interested candidates are eligible to fill the online application form.
The online transfer system is open to Head Masters and Teachers currently employed in Government Schools across any district in Uttar Pradesh.
To apply for UP Teacher Inter-District Transfer through UPSDC Registration 2023, follow these steps:
Open the Apply Link for the Transfer Online Form.
Login using your Manav Sampada ID (EHRMS CODE) and Mobile Number.
Enter your current district of employment.
Specify if you are located in a rural or urban area.
Select your school block.
Choose your school name from the provided options.
Enter your salary bank account number.
Provide your PAN Card number.
Enter your Aadhaar Card details.
Provide your joining date as a teacher.
Select your preferred transfer school name.
Please ensure that you have all the necessary information and documents readily available before proceeding with the application process.
Important Link: